Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Spring has sprung, and other weird tales.........

Sometime awhile back, someone, either Bill Gates or aliens, installed a whole bank of micro hard drives somewhere in my brain. Every now and then, some key word boots one of these little bastards and prompts me to go off on some specific tangent. I cannot prove that this is actually my excuse for the stuff I write, but after I croak, I've instructed the wife to release the autopsy results with the accompanying note; "I told you so!"

Today's key word was part of a reply to one of my comments on Tim's blog, that key world being "eclectic". So, you guessed it, today's post is a cornucopia of unrelated nuggets sauteed in an eclectic sauce, served up for your consumption.

My favorite color has erupted all around us here at Pendragon Hold; springtime green. Not that dull uninteresting green that the summer heat bakes into submission; no my friends, this is the color of new life bursting forth into the world!

Next we have an aerial shot of luxurious Lake Stinkapuei. Lake Stinkapuei is unique in that it is the only lake that appears and disappears with strange regularity, usually closely connected with such activities as dishwashing, bathing, and clothes-washing. The waters are thought to be magical, as they lend a rich and somewhat pungent aroma to the air, and the plant life on the banks of this lake is the greenest and most luxurious in the entire area. This lake is so popular with some tribes of fairies that they have built their own unique resort hotel on the banks of the Lake, painted blue of all things. So, for a truly unique adventure, be sure to stop by and visit this wonderful place. Believe me, it's an experience you will not soon forget!

I might have mentioned that my wife is very creative. So creative, in fact, she has created a work of art out of our normally staid and boring tool shed. Now, I have to give some artistic credit to our grandson Nathan, who has demonstrated a budding artistic ability, and who created the drawing of the dragon on the left door. Next we'll be painting a mural of the Mona LIsa with a joint in her mouth on the roof, visible only to DEA planes looking for the infrared signature of hothouses. Won't it be funny if they raid us and haul off our goat's hay to be tested! I'll expect that hay back, of course, with some alfalfa thrown in for damages, and maybe a few bags of sweet feed for pain and suffering. I'm easy..........

Ever wonder what a witch's alter looks like? So do we, but this will do until someone comes along and shows us what it REALLY is supposed to look like. Sorry, but no golden calves or alters suitable for the sacrifice of virgins. Not enough room.

This is photographic evidence that colors other than green, white, and brown exist on our property. It's called a F L O W E R, and yes, they CAN grow here.

Last but not least, is a photo of my wife's wonderful culinary efforts, my favorite dish, and proof that this woman really does love me.

So, that's today's post from Pendragon Hold. Be well and blessed be!


Time said...

Quite eclectic my friend and I enjoyed the tour as usual. And what was that favorite dish. It looked very tasty.

morningstar said...

one quick question.. while the "Master of the house naps"..

re the "witch's alter"... you could find a virgin to sacrifice IF there was room???!!


Alex Pendragon said...

Tim, if I gave you the recipe, the wife would have to kill you........and boy is it GOOD!

morningstar...I heard they had one locked up in a convent somewhere in Ireland.

Theresa Chaze said...

Your garden has very good start. I've just started mine. There are pictures of the previous years on my site. The dragons are fabulous. To bad you can't send me a copy. I love dragons.