Thursday, June 23, 2005

Just a post

Ok, gang, don't worry, the story continues (if you are even following it), but tonight this is just filler. Shredded some really big piles of leaves today and ended up with some really quality compost grade material! The very fact that this sounds so exciting to me bemoans the state of affairs as far as what comes as a quality event in my life. The wailing and gnashing of teeth may proceed. Thank you. That was so heartfelt, I don't know what to say........hehe.
Right now we're watching the DVD of "Battlestar Galactica"......the gritty remake of the original sci-fi series us old farts knew and loved so well. OK.......the old sci-fi freaks who enjoyed such shit. I can understand if the rest of you wondered if we ever got a life. We did. We just refused to give up our dreams. What the fuck else have we got?
I've been checking on Shandi and a few others and the song remains the same......get off your duffs and post, dammit, I need my minimal daily requirements of your brilliant insights. Despite the fact that I am an autonomous unit, I do not function as efficiently when I am cut off from the collective consciousness. And yes, I have actually come to really care about you...all of you. I know this is a piss poor example of a family, but unlike the dark side (republicans), I recognize that a family can be comprised of people who do not share your genetics. Or politics. Or kinks. If this creeps you out, get over it.
So, this is my post for tonight. Please read it and reply. If you don't, so help me, I will jump off the bottom step of my deck stairs tomorrow and any damage to my frail, old body will be on your conscience. I'm not kidding. Quit laughing. Fine, laugh, I don't mind......amazing what I'll stoop to to get a laugh, and maybe a comment from you guys.


Naughti Biscotti said...

michael... michael.... welcome to the family brother. Just so ya know, your new sister is a manic depressive artist freak week is all inspired and frantic like, posting billiant stuff and all... and the next week, in the depths of dispair.. looking at the bottom of a bottle of francelico slurring her speech and drooling all over her unfinished masterpeice.

Stop laughing!!!!

Alex Pendragon said...

Shan, you sound freakily alot more like my mom than my sister. But, I had (no.......have, she's still with me) a Mom, so I guess you WILL have to settle for sis. I was an only child, so I'm not used to having sibs. This will take some getting used to. Hey, quit scribbling all over my blog! Dammit! Mooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!

Buffalo said...

I can't get into the new Battle Star. Never missed an episode of the old one.