Thursday, July 28, 2005

"Religeous" Justification....

There was a special on tonight concerning one of those many towns out west populated and controlled totally by polygamists. It is downright amazing what some people will get away with under the guise of "divine edict". Out here in the real world we call these people perverts, child molesters, control freaks, you name it, the crimes they commit could put them away forever if caught doing this crap in the real world. What amazes me is that the states of Utah and Arizona has for all practical purposes turned a blind eye to this debauchery. Maybe it's time for the feds to step in and inform these state governments that they either clean this filth up NOW or the FBI will step in and do it for them. It's time to put and end to child molestation and forced sexual slavery disguised as a religious lifestyle. OH, I know. The religious right is to busy trying to take over the government and put us atheists and agnostics in our place. I understand. We don't have God on our side.


Naughti Biscotti said...

Don't get me started. This is a sore spot with me. I've seen this special on Dateline and I think also on Dr. Phil. These people are lunatics. But they are soooo...not alone. I've been in at least 5 different denominations of the Christian faith and there is at least one form of abuse in each one. Not saying they are all bad.. or their faith is at fault. When you have a leader in complete control.. saying he hears the voice of God.. and has been given messages to pass on to his sheep.. which contradict the law.... most likely you do not have a PROPHET.. but a PERVERT.

Buffalo said...

Well said, Michael. Very well said.

Prime directive, don't mess with kids. Kids are off limits.

Never ceases to amaze me how folks can justify virtually anything and everything. But then they probably say the same about me.

But no kids. Ever.

Alex Pendragon said...

I was an alter boy, and apparently a lucky one, for my parish priest was a pretty decent young guy who never made a move on me. However, I escaped the oppression of Catholic indoctrination easily enough as I was a pretty free thinking individual, capable of recognizing illogic when I saw it. When the Priest abuse scandal broke out, even I was somewhat surprised at the depth of it, as I could find no rational reason for the church to keep such abominations under wraps they way they did. However, I have finally admitted to myself that I will not go to hell for finally understanding that the church was never rational to begin with. Hopefully, I will not end up in a political prison for pointing out how irrational the religeous right and it's minions in congress is, once you free your mind and see it for what it is.