Sunday, July 30, 2006

They're At It Again..........

Sigh......they're at it again, those pesky women. Here in America, it seems that certain Catholic women have the GALL to think they can be priests and offer up glory to their god in front of a congregation. How DARE they? The Pope, that holy dude who is said to be the very mouthpiece of God himself, and thus logically MUST be infallible, has threatened to excommunicate them if they try and sneak into this boys club. Excommunication is a terrible thing, because it means that you are no longer a chosen one and are going to have to wait tables in hell. Yep, if the Catholic hell is anything like the Catholic heaven, women are sure to be second class sufferers there to. Perhaps because they are merely women, they won't have to suffer much more than they already do what with periods, childbearing, and all those nasty things they earned for forcing Adam to eat that apple God was afraid of him enjoying. Yes, it is quite apparent that this weaker of the two sexes can be quite powerful when she wants to be, and while under the influence of the power of Satan, can force a full grown man to eat an apple. So, thank God the Pope is putting a stop to this. Next thing you know they'll be wanting to ordain GAYS!

Sigh.......I forgot, the Episcopalians ARE wanting to ordain homosexuals as priests. It's bad enough that they changed their name so that they could get women into those funny robes, but now they want to put funny men and women in funny robes. No wonder God is so pissed off he's sending hurricanes to select cities in order to solve the problem. No, wait, that's a Southern Baptist thing......sorry.

Which brings me to my point. Religion is so funny. If there's one thing religion is famous for, it's a long list of rules, and if there's a rule to be broken, you can bet some sinner is going to come along and break it, just out of spite. Since day one, just about every religion in the world has been written, produced, and directed by men, mostly men in power, to insure that ordinary (which back then usually meant dirt poor and ignorant) people, especially the female version, were kept in check, subservient, and pliable, made to fight wars and keep the holy ones fat and happy. Today, thru some miracle of social evolution, some of us, mostly "western" nations, have painted this canvas in nicer colors to give the illusion that women are actually respected, considered the equal of men, and are "given" freedoms that on the face of it are supposed to free them from the oppression of familiar rape, low wages, and other discriminations worthy of a weaker sex. Those of us with that even a quarter of a brain, know better, even if we happen to be male. Religion has made all this possible, even in this day and age.

Well, I have a clue for you, all you holy people, all you Popes, Bishops, Mullahs, Preachers, or whatever you want to call yourselves. You are scared to death of the idea of women walking beside you, not behind you, as equal partners. You know just how weak you are in the grand scheme of things. You have a lust for power, you are lazy, and truthfully, by any measure that means anything, you are fucking loony tunes. Yes, like any man, I fully agree that many women, thanks to their hormones, can be challenging to get along with. I would also like to suggest that men, with their testosterone overload, can be fucking animals. And yes, those animals just love to adorn themselves in fancy robes and claim that God has chosen them to run the show. They manufactured God, after-all. And we all know why.

OK, I can hear it now........"The Michael, you speak of being Wiccan, which is a religion, and you seem to be equally guilty of making up your own beliefs as you go along to suit your own agenda." You know something, taken out of context, you are exactly right! I am "exploring" Wicca as something to believe in, to practice, and hopefully upon full examination, will have made a choice that, as it calls for, "Does no harm". Being human and all, I might not be up to the task, as it requires that one go far beyond the human condition and attempt to actually be one with the world in which one lives. But I'm willing to give it a shot. What I am not willing to do is remain with the label I was given at birth, which was "Catholic", and ignore the hypocrisy required in order to be a good little soldier for Christ. The same Christ which was somehow said to give the OK to burning people at the stake and driving whole races of humans toward extinction. So, you go be a good Catholic, Baptist, Muslim, Scientologist, or whatever mishmash of rules and regulations you care to slap together, and good luck with your afterlife. Me, I'm going to make my life now somewhat bearable, and worthy to have been lived, if I can. Whatever comes afterward is out of my hands anyway.

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