Monday, April 18, 2005

Well, no wonder......

Sigh, I have been pouring over alot of blogs today. Excellent blogs. Blogs chock full of interesting content. Blogs with lots of pictures. Blogs written by intelligent people saying intelligent things. I am humbled. I used to think of myself as an intellectual, of the self made type, that is. My intellect is miniscule compared to even some these 17 year old bloggers I have been reading. Well, fine, I will just have to take my place down around rung 69 on the evolutionary scale and be damn happy I can climb that far. Now, if I can harness this supreme intelligence I claim to have and figure out how to insert pics, links, and other interesting things into my own blog, perhaps I can climb a few more rungs and perhaps get to rung 77. Then I can feel superior over the other 76. won't make me superior, just able to insert pics, links, and other interesting things into a blog. Perhaps if I work on my writings skills..........


Buffalo said...

When I came into this world a ball point pen was a relatively new invention and damned costly......somewhere around 4 bucks if memory serves - which it sometimes does.

You have what promises to be an interesting blog going. I'll check back.

Benjamin said...

Hey, I found you via comments you left on Buffalo's blog. Perusing your site for just a few minutes, I can already tell I'm intrigued (despite the absence of pics, links, and other such frills). I'll be checking back regularly as well.

By the way, I think everyone feels like a blabbering idiot when they read other people's blogs and compare them to their own. Blogs are all about feigning confidence and wisdom. For the most part, I think most of us are just hoping to come off as brilliant, something better acheived in cyberspace than in real life...