Thursday, May 05, 2005

Me and My Amazing Monochrome Blog

I had a second visitor, or at least one that commented, and perhaps inadvertently, he made me feel a whole lot better about my blog and it's lack of pics, links, and, quote, "other frills". I'm going to admit that I am not really here to create eye candy, amazing dancing java characters, or bring you the smoking gun behind the great right-wing conspiracy, altho I Do have to admit that last one would be great day-dream fodder. I have always had a knack for writing and prose, yet it is not something I have practiced to such a degree that I can honestly gauge how actually good it is. It matters not, however, as what I write is simply my souls' attempt to have some effect on the world around me. Yes, much like gravity, I will probably have a miniscule effect, depending on who reads this stuff and what it means to them. Right now, gravity to me is barely perceptible, holding me down in this chair, making my heavier patients at work a threat to my aging tendons and muscles, yet I am quite aware that elsewhere in this universe, gravity is sucking down whole star systems into the insatiable maul of black holes. So, now really, what do I need with the eye candy? There is nothing I shall be writing about that will be made any more palatable or valid by dressing it up with a pretty picture. You have no need to see what I look like, rather, your imagination would probably do me more justice. No, my friends, I just want you to know I was HERE. I want you to hear what I say and embrace it, dismiss it, I don't care, just HEAR. I can provide you no lyrics to hum in the shower, no incredible diet plan that shall rescue you from overindulgence, no cure for hemorrhoids, or why your teenager wants to pierce his/her neither regions. What I can provide you with is what goes on inside this particular hunk of grey matter that can not and will not be replicated anywhere else in this universe. Just like you, I am unique. This may not be a saving grace, but it IS an undeniable fact. It will not save me from my ordinariness (Is that a word? If not, it is But, I will celebrate it, with a glass of sangria, a chuckle, and a mental kiss to my Mother, Bob bless her soul, who made me possible.

1 comment:

Buffalo said...

We shant go quietly into the night!