Friday, November 18, 2005

One more hurdle........

I have begun to notice on several blogs now, which for now will remain anonymous, that not only do you have to type in the secret code, sometimes several times, but now it informs you that your comment will be posted after being vetted by a seven step protocol, a lie detector test, a background investigation, and an oath of loyalty, after which the author of said blog MIGHT allow your comment to be displayed, providing of course it has passed all of the afore mentioned tests and the author likes what you said. This must stop. You can't have anarchy with big brother telling you which Molotov cocktail is approved for throwing. You can't have free speech at 35 cents per minute for the first three minutes. You can't claim to be open minded, democratic, and tolerant of other people's stupidity if you insist on covering up their stupidity. We are the masses, yearning to be free, and we damn well will not tolerate our so called brethren editing our responses to their insightful, well written and brilliant works of literary art! So, in the spirit of all that made this great nation the shining city on the landfill, I hereby start a petition to put a stop to this insidious practice before it sucks all the life out of our life, liberty, and pursuit of slander! ARE YOU WITH ME?

The preceding political advertisement was paid for by the committee to come up with ways to pay for committees to further the interests of committees that put out these sort of things, for what reasons I have no earthly idea.


Naughti Biscotti said...

Sorry, but I'm one that has given in to this new filtering. All it took was one asshole leaving his insideous comment, ridiculing a spelling or grammar mistake, and I had it.
Then there was a blog stalker a while back. Nah... I kindof like the new filter.

morningstar said...

ahemmmmmmmmmm (clearing throat)

i spy with my little eye a secret code on Michael's blog!!!??? could it be??
BUT seriously.. i guess.. Michael... some do receive some not so nice comments and need/want the security of knowing that no one else will have to suffer their stupidities??


Alex Pendragon said...

I know guys, but as you all well know, it is my self-appointed duty as the class clown of our fine little community of fantastic bloggers to discover the occasional gem to lampoon. How am I doing? Are you guys laughing? Please, are you laughing? AHEM, you're SUPPOSED to be LAUGHING!

Sigh, back to the drawing board..........


And the Past Recedes... said...

Filtering...what have I missed? The only thing I've ever noticed is the word varification thing? Did I miss the big men at the door?

Time said...

I understand why Shandi started doing it, but I agree with you Michael. Filtering comments before anyone can read them does start eating away at the unique world of interaction that blogging allows. I prefer to publicly ridicule errant commentors first before cutting them loose.

PS: I hope this comment makes the cut.

Alex Pendragon said...

I'm afraid I had to heavily edit Tim's comment before allowing it to air on this blog. His overwealming praise and kudo's for my insightful insight was way over the top, so for his sake and mine I made it sound like he was allowing for Shani's insightful insight into filtering as well. Thanks Tim, keep those comments coming!

I need help, I really do.........