Sunday, March 12, 2006

Suffer the Little Children

As a product of the foster care system, as well as having been baptized as a Catholic, I was overwhelmingly disgusted to hear on the news this morning that the Boston Diocese of the Catholic Church has decided not to continue assisting in adoption of ANY children, rather than be forced to consider gay couples as parents. This is just one more instance of these institutions showing their true colors of intolerance, irrational behaviors, and discrimination against anyone who doesn't toe the line. I am sorry that I EVER stepped foot in a church of any denomination, for I feel dirty just being associated with this madness, however involuntarily.

All over this nation, every day, children are being taken away from abusive parents, only to be put into abusive foster homes, people who's only motivation to "care" for these kids is for the money. The agencies charged with checking out these people are understaffed and do a piss-poor job of insuring that these kids are placed in safe, loving environments. Adoption, on the other hand, is a long, drawn out and frustrating process that only the most generous and dedicated amongst us are willing to run the gauntlet in order to adopt children. Special needs children have it especially tough. So, in this age where we read of tragedy in the paper every day about some poor defenseless child being molested or abused in foster care, why are we willing to reduce the potential for loving homes for these children just because many of those willing to step up to the plate happen to be gay? The people most likely to abuse children, my friends, are so-called straight heterosexuals, and it's a big crock to attempt to associate pedophilia with being gay. And, I hate to bust your bubble, but homosexuality is NOT contagious. Tolerance is.

And how DARE the Catholic church, overrun with pedophile priests, have the gall to hold itself as the arbiter religions of morality? Gay couples as a group are far more likely to adopt special needs children that no one else seems to want to give a home to, and the church has a problem with THEIR morals? The Catholic church, as well as most religions, pisses me off!

Catholics really need to examine what it means to do God's work, if that truly is what they feel they should be doing. If I was a devout Catholic, and had any real sense of compassion as taught by Christ, I would have to start questioning this atmosphere of picking and choosing who I can treat with compassion and who I can't. Catholics will picket outside a prison death row to protest a serial killer being executed, but you don't see them protesting moral, law abiding, committed couples being denied the chance to be loving parents to children who desperately need them.

The sooner that religion gets out of society's business, the sooner I believe we will see social injustice being dealt with in a rational, caring manner.

As a former foster child, I have license, so if you can't understand what I'm saying here, then go get a fucking lobotomy and spare the rest of us the your inability to construct a coherent thought.........


Buffalo said...

Although I do not agree with the Church and see the irony in their decision, I can't fault them for adhering to their beliefs.

I am a passionate supporter of same sex marriage. I don't think, if it ever passes, clergy should be required to perform the ritual if it violates their belief system.

'Bout the same thing.

And the Past Recedes... said...

Just another reason why I choose not to be part of organized religion.

Paul said...

I appreciate your comments since, by virture of experience, you have knowledge and have earned the right to speak loudly.

The sad thing about organized religion is the pressure to conform and the outdated traditions. At the core there's some good truth but it's hopeless lost.

Alex Pendragon said...

Yes, the truth is almost always lost in the details......