Wednesday, December 21, 2005

In Case You Hadn't Noticed........

News, and the facts that sometimes accompany it, is a strange creature. You have to wonder why scriptwriters have such a hard time coming up stuff anywhere near as strange, frightening, or downright weird as what really happens around us every day.

The President, a guy named "Dubya" no less, has decided that we need to be spied on, without court approval, in order to protect

Saddam Hussein really misses Ronald Reagan. I mean, Ronny really took care of his friends in a pinch, such as being at war with Iran. Imagine the irony if planes launched from the USS Ronald Reagan helped topple the poor guys' regime.

Gays in what was once one of the most oppressive Catholic societies, namely Ireland, can now marry. So, in a strange twist, Irish American Catholic Gays will be streaming BACK to Ireland from the freest nation on Earth in order to tie the knot. Go figure.

They want to clone the extinct wooly mammoth. So tell me, if they are successful, where on Earth are they going to keep these beasts that's cold enough to suit them? The polar bear is already in trouble.

A federal judge told the Dover Pennsylvania school board that calling it "Intelligent Design" was not such an intelligent way of sneaking creationism into the science curriculum. Maybe one day we'll get rid of "the devil made me do it" defense as well.

At the time we invaded Iraq, one country actually did; have weapons of mass destruction, a history of armed conflict with it's neighbors, and supported Al-Quida and the Talaban. Only we can't invade Pakistan, they are our friends.

The FBI is hard at work surveilling such dangerous organizations as PETA, Quakers, LIbrarians, and quite a few protest groups. Didn't Dennis Hopper say that the 90's were going to make the 60's look like the 50's? He was only off by about a decade.

There are more than 11,000 (yes, I said thousand) distinct religious groups in the world, the majority of them assured that only they shall go to heaven, or whatever delightful place they've thought up. So remember, no matter which faith has "saved" you, there are plenty more that have sent your sorry ass straight to hell.

Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Wiccans celebrate it as Yule, their version of Christmas. Back in the day, celebrating such a thing would get you roasted on an open fire, rather than chestnuts. Peace on Earth, good will towards men.....ah........what a concept.

That's all the MM&M I have to bring you today. Be well, and Peace to you all.


Buffalo said...

Life is full of ironies, my friend. It is going to take someone a whole lot brighter than I will ever be to figure it all out.

And the Past Recedes... said...

Love these kinds of posts!

Very informational.

Naughti Biscotti said...

"So remember, no matter which faith has "saved" you, there are plenty more that have sent your sorry ass straight to hell."

heee heeee... that's a good one! That's what I should have written in my Christmas cards this year.