Thursday, December 22, 2005

Snail Mail, E-mail, and Finding New Friends

The wife had to leave early for work today, so she was gone as I stumbled out into the living/dining/den/whateverelseweusethiswonderfulspacefor room and tapped the mouse to wake up the Imac. I always check the mail icon for those little red numbers that tell me how much mail I've received, which is usually a comment to MM&M. When I was a kid, waiting for that old-fashioned snail mail was one of those true excitements in life, something you had to WAIT for, and the very thought of getting a letter actually sent to ME was one of those overwhelming pleasures of life that helped ease all the other pains of living it. Nowadays, snail mail is that damn dreaded thing consisting only of junk I'll have to burn with the rest of the paper trash and bills I hope to hell I can pay.
Ah, but e-mail, that's another creature altogether. Thanks to junk mail filters I am blessed on an almost daily basis with the kind of mail much akin to that I used to look forward to as a kid. Good letters, short and sweet, perhaps, but full of good will from people who have become my strange new ethereal family. I have only one true friend outside my family and he lives just far away enough that we now only see each other maybe three times a year. And he doesn't do email.

Well, anyway, getting to the point of this post, I had two comments awaiting me, one from teri, laughing at me, at my invitation, of course, for daring to suggest she's timid, and from one other, a Mr. Paul Lambert, a fine gentleman who dares use his real name, author of a blog called "I Wonder". I think Buffalo pointed me in this gentleman's direction earlier but I hadn't gone to visit like I should have. Well, Paul came to visit MM&M and left a very short hello. I backtracked and found a kindred soul.

This guy is living the life I've been lusting after since forever, living off the grid courtesy of solar power (I'm assuming he uses solar since he's not paying ransom to the utility companies) and he has lived a very interesting life......IS living a very interesting life. I read some of his stuff and I love the way he writes and the observations he makes. He recognizes some of the follies of our existence with no where near the cynicism that is the hall mark of my own rants. It is evident the man is well educated, has a good grasp of common sense, and despite his credentials, writes in good old fashion ordinary English that anyone can understand. THAT I appreciate more than anything, as many of the blogs I read really tire me with their habit of elucidating in the most convoluted fashion their education enables them to. I highly recommend that all my readers wonder over and sample his wonders.

Oh, and of course, last night was Winter Solstice, and my witchy wannabe wife had us out in the shade garden welcoming back the beginning of longer days and a warmer sun. I love watching her as she reads her ceremonies from the wooden book I made for her to hold her enchantments and other stuff in. And, as the patient and supportive husband I am, I even interrupted her a few times to let her know it was WEST she was speaking to, not NORTH as she payed homage to Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. The fire was pleasant to sit next to as we shared a drink in the frigid air. Later that night she told me something like 35 times how much she loved me and how special I was to her, which is why, despite so many years of self doubt, self loathing, and pitiful self esteem, I feel damn near invincible these days. Get yourself a woman like this, guys, and YOU'LL be invincible, to!

Well, that's todays report from Sandy Acre, Pendragon Hold, just to mention a few of the names I use to refer to our humble abode. If there are any new injustices occurring in the world today, I haven't heard about them yet, but I will, and you're sure to hear MY take on them. Can't let sleeping dogs lie, now can we?


Buffalo said...

You know, bro, today is one of those days I don't know what in the hell to say.

Keep on writing and I'll keep on reading. When we don't agree you need to realize you're wrong. When we agree, you are one smart dude.

Alex Pendragon said...

Huh? What was in THIS post that someone would need to disagree with? You sure you responded to the right post? Bob knows I post plenty of stuff that anyone could find something to dissagree with. And yes, Buf, I agree, I am ONE smart dude......hehe.

darlingina said...

Nice post Sir Michael. Glad to hear the Winter Solstice was a wonderfully, beautiful success. I think it's wonderful how supportive You are of her. Easy to see why she's so crazy about You. Peace and be well,

Alex Pendragon said...

Get your mind outta the gutter, Lights......

Thank you gina, just our way of thanking the Earth for tilting back in a warmer direction....grin.

darlingina said...

me again :o) This was shared in the PSP Forum Group i'm Asst. Mgr. in and thought You or your wife may find it interesting. i know i did and will put it on my list of places to visit if i ever get over there.

(((hugs))) ~gina~

Naughti Biscotti said...

Michael, I love the way you describe your relationship with your wife. She truly sounds like a wonderful person. Have a wonderful Christmas.

morningstar said...

Michael........... ditto what nearly everyone else has already said..

AND i am very impressed with your photographic abilities.. especially the last one of the lit Yule log and tree in the background.. very very nice !!!


morningstar said...

ding dang Michael........ i meant to say.. i have left YOU a very special link on my blog.. just for You and well of course Sir...the grinches .. (cheeky grin)


teri said...

I'm would love to have that type of relationship. Have a wonderful Christmas!!!

Gaye said...

I agree; Paul rocks!!!--the man is amazing... your wife sounds amazing too...