Friday, August 19, 2005

Anticipation versus Dread

Well, the air conditioner miraculously worked just fine all day yesterday, however, the desperate call to the repair man has already been made. So today I get to wait around the house for up to four hours for the man to show up and scratch his head and ask "What did you say was wrong with it?" and "That'll be 70 bucks please."
I think maybe I had never fully defrosted that damn coil all along until night before last when I left for work around 6:25, leaving the blower fan running so that any trace of ice would have melted off before the wife turned the thermostat back to auto and cool, and since the kids left to return home, the interior heat and humidity load was reduced, allowing the unit, even in it's compromised condition, to stay ahead of any icing on the coil. That's my theory, at least. I'm sure the repair man will hook up his specialized equipment, chant some ancient spells, and with the wisdom that comes from knowledge, totally blow my theory right out of the water. Whatever, I just want him to fix the damn thing, not tell me it will cost half as much to do so as just replace the thing, neither of which I can really afford. If he simply tells me that I somehow overcame a temporary quirk these things are known to have, and only charges me the 70 bucks to crown me an accidental genius, I will have to be happy about it. Bob, I wish I knew more about just a couple of things rather than a little bit about just about everything. The former could actually be worth something.
OK, This is just the prequel to "The Great Air-conditioning Caper". I shall report back the fiasco that is sure to occur once the villain, or hero, depending on the outcome, comes on the scene and does the voodoo that he do so well.......

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