Monday, August 22, 2005

Homestead Malfunction number Two......

OK, the air-conditioner is running like a champ and I won't have to sell a kidney to pay for it. However, there must still be a karmic balance due because now the septic tank pump has decided not to pump. This might not have showed up as a problem right now when I least need more problems if the idiot who installed the system had not left the damn tank alarm switch on "silent". So, I have no idea how long ago the this started happening. Wait, the septic guy is here........
20 minutes later, the diagnosis is that the pump is running fine, but that the main tank where all the crap goes is probably chock full know....that stuff. So, all I need do is scrap off some dirt, pull the hatch, make sure the float valve is not hung up or something, and, eventually, I have to have this tank pumped out. It should have been pumped out already, but out of sight is out of mind. So, it's a slow burning fire I can put out when I can afford the water to douse it with.
I am keeping a sharp eye on the dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer and refrigerator now. Money sucking emergencies come in threes, so any one of those could go at any moment. Then again, I have two cars........

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