Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Beast

Once again the monster awakes. From deep down in the depths he arises, slowly, thoughtfully, sniffing the air within my brain and liking what it smells. It is relentless, it does not know sleep and does not care that I need it. He commands my thoughts, my dreams, and wraps his claws about my soul......"Your soul belongs to ME, motherfucker, did you forget that?". I do not even attempt to dispute it, for I look in the mirror and indeed see him there in my eyes, awakened, drinking in my world and laying siege to it. Only this time I have a surprise for him. I accept him, surrendering to his nature, which is now my own, and I MAKE it mine. He squirms within, restless, upset, not used to my acceptance, and finds himself at MY beck and call. I shape his nature, I call the shots, I am the Master, only this time I know it, accept it, endure it, savor it, experience it. And so what was once a battle within to be won by one or the other, is now an alliance that brings light to the darkness and conquers it once and for all. I AM the monster, the monster is me.

Tis' best ye know him, and feed him well, for he shalt lead thee down perdition's past or exalt you in your victory, the choice by thine own........

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