Monday, October 03, 2005

A Whiter shade of Pale........

We are constantly examining the manner in which mankind governs itself, pitting individual liberties on one end of the spectrum against what is good overall for the body human on the other, never quite able, it seems, to find that blend that respects the demands of both considerations. I would indeed subscribe to the argument that the cream (the noble spirit we humans are capable of displaying) always rises to the top regardless of the general situation it exists in, yet I understand the pragmatism that comes with harsh reality; that if that cream is skimmed off immediately by the evil that surrounds it, then it hardly matters that the cream exists at all. Thus, I forward this question to you all, a question that requires you to count to ten and let the knee jerk reaction to the question pass before you even try and comment on it.

Would you hope to see the rise of a person committed to peace and equality amongst all mankind with the same single-minded and ruthless energy that Adolph Hitler possessed to pursue HIS agenda?

Yes, I know well that one person's Ghandi is another person's Stalin, but you have to admit, deep down inside, that if King Author and the Knights of the Round Table were to appear out of nowhere and take on the world you would be very tempted to join the fray and fight the good fight. I think we all know on an instinctive level that what's right is right, what is evil is self evident. We all wish "the man" would just get the hell off our backs and let us enjoy our lives, yet we equally wish to see something done when flat out sleaze stares us in our face in the public forum. Those that prey on the elderly, tele-marketers, businesses that rely on fine print in contracts to ply their trades, politicians who line their pockets or pursue their religious agendas at our expense, the list goes on and on, you recognize the evil surrounding us and wonder why putting a dent in it should rival rocket science.

We are soooooo trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, the Sunni's of Iraq who contribute most to the insurgency in that country, who boycott the political process, who all but BEG to start a civil war. And this is the mafioso family that prospered so well under Sadam and stands to lose badly should a civil war against the Kurds and Shiites come to pass. Well, folks, maybe it's time to give these people what they want. What would be so illogical about just arming both the Kurds and Shiites to the teeth, giving the Sunni's three weeks to find a safe haven (let me guess, who would offer them safe haven, could it be Syria? DUH) and then just get the hell out of the way? We accomplished what George wanted all along, to get Sadam, who embarrassed his Daddy, but we can't afford the oil fields his boss Cheny wants to share with his friends in the oil industry, so we need to cut our losses now.......these people flat don't want us there. Yes, I know all the implications of doing so, but sometimes the solution staring you in the face is actually the best one, nice and raw and to the point.

My point is we can think things to death, we can strive to be politically and morally correct, and end up getting walked on by pure evil, plain and simple. When evil stares you in the face and taunts you, I dare to suggest that pulling out that 44 magnum and removing it from your sight does not reduce you to it's just gets the job done. Do we contemplate the ecological niche the cockroach occupies before we pull out the can of Raid and kill it? No. We don't. A roach is a roach is a roach. End of discussion. You can argue all you want, but the fact remains that the bone jarring noise that issues from what some kids these days call cars but we know as motorized boom boxes only exist because we tolerate it when it would be so easy NOT to. What I cant SEE or HEAR you do in the privacy, and hopefully, soundproofed, space of your own private domain will not hurt me, but the shit you insist on rubbing in my face in public does, so be thankful, if it truly means that much to you, that I do not rule the world, because like I said, the common good needs not be compared to rocket science, instead of good old fashioned common sense.


Buffalo said...

Dangerous ground to walk, I'm thinking.

Alex Pendragon said...

Indeed it is, which is why only the deranged seem willing to walk it.