Thursday, October 27, 2005

Getting Real in Hurricane Alley

Hurricane Wilma blew thru southern Florida and did what hurricanes do, messed things up and tore down all those power poles just begging to be blown over by hurricanes. And so here it is several days later and the fine transplants from the North are all screaming "We STILL don't have any power!"
Excuse me? Work crews are working there asses off trying to splice together this tangled mess of high voltage wires and you have the gall to suggest they should have turned on the power YESTERDAY? Take a look around you, perhaps you morons might have noticed there was a HURRICANE! Christ, there are sections of Pakistan that have YET to see any real relief from a devastating earthquake, there are entire areas of Louisiana and Mississippi that are still in a state of shock from the destruction, and you people think you have it THAT bad?
I was totally shocked to see our dear Republican governor say something that I actually admire. He noted that the people of South Florida had more than adequate warning to stock up on essentials and either batten down the hatches or get the hell away. And he even said that he took full responsibility for the less than perfect manner in which relief supplies and services were getting to the victims and that he was endeavoring to make things happen as best as humanly possible. He didn't point his finger at FEMA and cry about it. Gotta hand him that. Now, people, maybe this is news to you, but ESSENTIALS include such things as a supply of medications, canned goods that do not require refrigeration, and other common sense items that people with any kind of common sense would know they would need to hold them over for at least a few days while the relief effort was being brought to bear. Yes, we expect government to help us in our hour of need, but we also have to take SOME responsibility for our own safety and well being. Now, of course, I am not referring to you who have been unfortunate enough to live in mobile homes and structures not built to code, for even tho this storm was no where near as powerful as Katrina was, it still could have taken down your home. In that case, yes, your life right now must indeed be a misery.
I truly believe that our pampered populace needs to understand something and make their future plans accordingly. The Southeast is no longer a safe place to live, a warm, tropical paradise for retirees from the snow belt to retreat to when the snow gets to deep for their walkers. You think your air conditioning bills are getting high, just wait. You may not be able to afford a unit big enough to keep your entire house at 68 degrees in the summer; you'll be lucky if the vinyl siding on your double wide retirement homes doesn't start melting. There will be two seasons; hurricane season and a short respite before the next storm hits. No one will be spared, and the federal government will run out of funds just trying to keep up with infrastructure repairs, much less trying to provide affordable insurance to keep rebuilding your homes over and over again. I have one suggestion for you. North Carolina. But I recommend the mountains rather than the east. That pig shit smells to high heaven.

1 comment:

Time said...

Darwin continues to have lots of proof for his theory.