Either my mail program is failing me or I'm not getting very many comments on the blog lately. Could it be that I have gotten so lax in my rants and raves that my readers have lost all interest in what The Michael has to say? Or have I become so yesterday that you all have moved on to more provocative pastures, leaving me in the blogger dust? Perhaps moving my attempts at erotic literation to it's own corner of the galaxy has left MM&M with nothing worthy of commentary. Even in the Buffalo's darkest moments when he says nothing about nothing (in his Sienfieldian way), he evokes replies as though he has struck his readers to their very cores. Such a talent that man has! I used to lament to myself that my Mom's artistic talent did not pass on to her only child, except perhaps in his ability to turn a word, but perhaps even then I have been sadly mistaken, as one who grasps at anything to take pride in can tend to do. However, as this post so eloquently illustrates, I am as my Brother in the written word has suggested, an excellent whiner. Thus, I shall embrace my talent to it's fullest and whine like a banshee! I NEED COMMENTS!
So what you have done by omission? You have ruined my self esteem, destroyed my inner child, pummeled my pomposity to such an extreme I have made your cruel indifference a post all it's own. Does this not shame you, my traitorous readers? Does this not cause you to examine the harm you have visited upon the frail psyche of a fellow human being? One day as you breath your last breaths and you examine all your regrets, you will remember me, The Michael, the one that asked only for a few miserable comments and received nothing but an empty mailbox, and you will have to devote that much more of your remaining time acknowledging your bad Karma and pass away hoping you had enough of the good to balance it all out. Do you truly wish to march into your future with such baggage?
Now that the eyebrow over one eye has crawled up your forehead threatening to meet your hairline, I must confess to the shame I have perpetrated upon you, my dear readers, in order to create a post that might grab your attention and maybe illicit a response. Everything you have just read was nothing more than a pathetic attempt to garner comments, be they good, bad, or downright ugly. However, in my own defense, I would like to say that if I dragged out one laugh, one guffaw, one almost silent giggle, then I have done my job. What job might that be, a majority of the few that have actually read this might ask? Why, the blog, my fellow bloggers. It's all about the blog! Smile.
P.S. Wilma zipped right on thru, the Miers nomination is an ongoing circus, Lott and Rove haven't been hung by the balls yet, and Bush is still an idiot, so the rants are too generic right now to justify a fresh burst of ire just yet, but stay tuned, somebody somewhere will amaze even me with their utter stupidity and I will have something fresh to rake over the coals in my usual fashion. Expectation springs eternal.
P.S.S. Yes, I know the photo has nothing to do with the post, but someone thinks the goats are cute. Enjoy! Grin.....
Michael, my brother, you are so full of shit it is running out both ears. If your eyes ain't brown you're a quart low - put some back in.
Thanks, Lights, glad to see you're out there somewhere. Success is relative.
Buffalo, my brother, that may be true, but I DID get my comment, didn't I? Shit is relative.
Fine!!! You forced it out of me. I do read your blog Micheal but due to crap in my life... I don't read as often as I should. I'm truly sorry about that. You'll notice from my blog that I haven't felt much like writing and so have been posting a lot of pictures.
I have noticed a decline in the comment posting as well. I think it's just a fall lull. Hybernation maybe.
Thank you Shandi. Pictures or words, your blog has always brought me pleasure. Now stop smiling, I didn't say THAT kind of pleasure!
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