Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Why? Because........

I just finished reading one of our peer's posts concerning why he blogs, as opposed to what some in the media have pontificated. It made me question my own reasons for having fallen victim to this obsession. It IS an obsession, how else can you explain the dedication many of us have displayed in putting up posts damn near every day of the year? Even if all we can think to write is that life sucks and we are all gonna die, we type it and hit "publish", as though the very thought isn't finished until it's been blogged. We have many individuals in this circle of thought that have that amazing talent to say basically nothing so well it sounds like an epiphany, and I have personally found more pleasure in reading these posts than many I knew were well thought out. Why? Who knows. "Daddy, why is the sky blue, and please, don't start with the "spectrum of light versus refraction" crap, just make it sound good!"
So, why does The Michael blog? Because there is no human being on Earth that's going to sit here next to me and patiently listen while I spew out the compost that's percolating in my brain, not even my wife, bless her. The beauty about not receiving instant feedback as you have no fear of shutting down halfway thru it due to that glazed over look that informs you that what you are saying has no value whatsoever, at least to the person suffering through it. Blogging has that take-it-or-leave it quality about it that is the most liberating method of communication I have ever participated in. When I am browsing through other blogs, if what they are saying reminds me to much of my wife venting from a bad day at work, I can always click on the bookmarks and head to the next one, no disrespect intended. And I am well aware that if something I have written is discomforting or silly to any particular person, they will do the same with mine. It's a free market of ideas, opinions, and stories, and it seems to work just fine.
I sometimes like to think that I am somewhat of a good writer, that is until I read some other blogs and realize I can't hold a candle to them, for various reasons, but the wonder of it all is that I don't HAVE to be a Hemingway, a Grissom, or even a Buffalo, because if what and how I write doesn't meet certain standards, it's not like I have to give them their money back. Sometimes I print out something I published and read it over, and think to myself, "Damn, not bad! Not bad at All!" And you know? Chances are someone else will read that post and think the exact same thing. Ya never know.
So there you have it. Madness, Musings, and that other M is that cork in my skull I need to keep my mentality on an even keel. If it serves no purpose other than that, then so be it. If those who read this thing glean any kind of enjoyment from it, then so much the better. If not, no harm done.


Time said...

You captured the essence of blogging perfectly, especially the part about being able to communicate relatively uncensored without being shut down by the glazed look. Guess I'll have to turn you in to the Bush Administration, too.

Alex Pendragon said...

Thanks, Tim. Although I am not a masochist, it would thrill me to no end to tell some asswipe interrogator to go fuck himself. If we can't hold ourselves to our own standards, then what good are standards under any circumstances?

And the Past Recedes... said...

I blog for myself mostly...don't care what others think of it really, but it is nice to have a nice audience waiting to see what you have to say....

Buffalo said...

Way cool graphics, bro. Way cool. Do I ever know how the dude feels.

I write because I must. Blogging has provided me with an intangible tool that seems to force me to have at least a modicum of discipline, thus keeping me at it.

Every once in a while I start to think maybe I'm getting the hang of it. Then I read someone that is really good. Then I realize the best I can claim is that I've improved a small amount.

It's all good, man. Helps us keep what little sanity we have left.

Alex Pendragon said...

Sanity? What sanity?