Sunday, January 15, 2006


As I go from boil to simmer concerning my last run in with things I'd rather not happen to me, I now focus on the wife's latest antics. One half of the twins and her husband are in the process of trying to move into a new house now being built. The wife, the ever supportive and cheerleading witch that she is, decided to appeal to the Goddess to smooth their way into their new digs, thus a new Full-Moon ceremony was held in their favor.

Aside from the fact that it was colder than a witches' tit outside last night (actually, MY witches' tit is quiet warm, tyvm), there was a wicked wind blowing that would have snuffed out any candle lit for a ceremony had it been conducted in the shade garden as usual, so after consulting the "Official Wiccan Rule Book", hehe, I guess, the wife decided it would do just fine to hold the ceremony here in the castle. We used our couch table for the alter, placed the candles at the appropriate corners according to the compass points, and performed our ceremony "skyclad". Now, for those of you ignorant of these terms, "skyclad" is another word for buck naked, which is the preferred method of worship for many Wiccans as it keeps a minimum of interference between one's self and the essence of the gods and goddesses. We'd perform these ceremonies outside the same way, except we don't have a privacy fence and do not wish to offend the christian sensibilities of our neighbors, which is to say we're not ready to invite the sheriff's department over.

Well, the wife performed her stuff with aplomb, and afterwards, as we sat within the safety of the circle in our living/slash/den area, sharing some wine, we noticed that a candle just happened to be in perfect alignment with a crystal earth globe in such a way, but ALSO aligned with exactly where the moon was rising and where my wife was sitting, such so that a perfect little "moon" appeared in the globe. I knew why this was happening, at least the scientific "light refraction within a spherical glass object" explanation, but I had to admit that the occurrence of just the right conditions at just the right time for this ceremony was a spooky, and nice little accident. She just accepts it for the truth as she understands it.....the Goddess assuring her that her plea was heard.

Based on our previous experience with magik, it will not surprise me in the least when Heather and Steve move into their new home. If it DOESN'T happen, well, I for one am not going to buy the "it was never meant to be" cop-out, but one can always fall back on the "we somehow didn't do the rite right" explanation. I personally will always rely on what Bob told me, that it's all good, for one reason or another. If I was sitting in a gulag somewhere awaiting execution for saying the wrong thing, the last thing I'd want to hear someone tell me is that "it's all good", but I think I could forgive myself for thinking so in those circumstances. Bob understands that and isn't going to subtract brownie points from one's Karma, so in that sense it IS a good thing.

Which brings me to the concept of just "How" one asks for things. I think maybe we should have just flat out asked that this damn septic system get pumped out one way or another, not just asking for the money to do so, which is going to have to be used for all these new unexpected expenses that have been visited upon us. Picture me slapping my forehead, going "Duh!"

Lights, I miss you, guy. I keep going back to see if you've relented and posted something, and I come away just a tiny bit sadder not seeing anything new.

The bobsy twins are in party mood on the high seas, and their nightly reports are hilarious. I hate them. hehe.

And of course, the Buffalo produced another gem concerning what one should do with a Friday night. I hope he choose wisely.

Morningstar, of course, described her life in "chilling detail" which has a way of getting my sick attention.

And that's what's going on at Pendragon Hold. Please, try not to laugh to hard.


crallspace said...

I think we need to petition KEL to keep up with the blog.

darlingina said...

Wine, nakedness, and pictures!!! Woohooo, sounds like a perfect evening Sir Michael ;o)

I hope all goes well with your daughters move. And i think its awesome how You take part in what makes Your wife happy.

And the Past Recedes... said...

A petition for moi??? You know...I'm going to let you in on a secret here...I miss my blog terribly. It probably won't be long, people before I find my way back...

Anyway, that was an awesome pick of the moon in the crystal, very cool. And I agree with Gina, it's very cool that you participate with your wife.

Time said...

...bothered and bewildered; hope the rite was right. Great image of the crystal.

Buffalo said...

An interesting read, my friend.

And you may, and will, read into that cryptic comment what you will.