Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Back to the grind......

Well, the week long "vacation" ended just as I expected, in the blink of an eye. I can't complain, really, as at my age, rest is rest, even if it is lacking in my recreation. When you consider that thousands of our fellow Americans spent this same period in a hellish sort of limbo, having lost everything, I think they would have traded their situations for my boring week ANY day. Besides, I do happen to live in hurricane alley, so I continue to live with all fingers crossed.
In the meantime it seems I have created a monster. I have found an outlet for something within me that does not exactly come across well in the public forum, and it has lent me a sense of peace I haven't had in quite awhile, not to mention it's a damn sight safer than other alternatives. It seems that blogs can serve purposes I never imagined.
Well, I'm coming off two 12 hour shifts and am none the worse for wear, but I'm sure the vacation helped in that regards. Buffalo's blog has kept me entertained, and the bobsy twins, when they get around to posting, have provided me with some good laughs. The wife is really getting into explorations of Wiccan, and I'll be happy with that once she's influenced the powers of the universe to get us out of debt. The universe does that, right? hehe
Meanwhile, Gheia continues to put us in our place with natural disaster upon natural disaster. It is humbling to realize that Mother Earth, if she was so inclined, has the ability to snuff us out before totally screw up the planet, and if that should come to pass, I for one will hold no ill will. I have long ago lost any pride in belonging to the most advanced species, intellect wise at least, to have arisen on this planet, considering what we are capable of. Bob assures me there's a reason for everything, so I can only hope the beauty he hints at holds a candle to the horror we all know.


Naughti Biscotti said...

Who are the bobsy twins Michael??? hmmmmm????

Alex Pendragon said...

Oh, just a couple of wacky cousins I know.....grin.

Buffalo said...

I often wonder why in hell hasn't the earth eradicated itself of our less than benevolent presence.

teri said...

Hey... you talken bout us???? I don't want to read into anything.