Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Whatever floats your boat!

Tonight the wife has concocted a nice pagan ceremony to welcome in the new year, as was celebrated long before the Christians came along and co-opted it. Some call tonight Halloween, or All Hallows Eve, or as the wife calls it, Samhain. It is said that this is the night when the veil between this world and the next is thinnest. Tonight we pay homage to our ancestors. Tonight we ask for blessings in the coming year, that the harvest be good, the winter bearable, the spring verdant, the summer comfortable.
Tonight in the shade garden, beneath the moon and the stars, we connect with ghia, with the life force within us and surrounding us, and the spirits of our loved ones already passed on. Our daughter Holly has joined us, and has even brought along something nice and gothic to wear. The wife has assemble a sweet little black ensemble, while yours truly will blend in with black jeans, shoes and a celtic dragon T-shirt. Sorry, no naked dances beneath the moon, at least not this year (we aren't fenced in, you see....grin). Anyway, I'm getting the whole thing on video and camera, so hopefully I can give you guys a great post tomorrow. Maybe a ghost or two will show up in a photo, who knows.
The wife is whipping up some nachos for dinner. Chili was the other choice, but probably not a good one. Can't offend the spirits with our own versions of swamp gas, doncha know...laugh.
Like I've said before, I'm an agnostic with an open mind who gave up on organized religion of any kind. Anyone's idea of a God that loves me on one hand and threatens me with eternal damnation on the other has described someone more closely resembling Satan in my way of thinking, and I don't believe in that asshole either. Now, Bob, on the other hand, has never threatened me with anything, as that would be somewhat akin to stabbing yourself in the eye. Bob's all carrot, the hell with the stick. (Those of you not familiar with Bob, head back to the archives, his appearance might still be there).
So this is my post for tonight. If the Lord God Almighty does not fry my ass with a stray bolt of lightning from a perfectly clear night sky, I shall be back, hopefully tomorrow, with another exciting edition of MM&M, the greatest blog ever produced from this location. Trick or Treat!


Naughti Biscotti said...

Sounds like a great celebration. Thanks for sharing the details. Can't wait to see photos.

I have been frustrated with the whole christian view of Halloween lately. Neither my son or daughter were allowed to dress up because of the politically correct bullshit. I, on the other hand, WAS in costume. That's a bit f'd up if you ask me. I might post my own pics as well.

morningstar said...

a part of me shivered when i read your post today.....part of me doesn't wish to tempt fate or whatever else you want to call it.. that part of me believes in evil and ghosts and boogey men under the bed.. the other part of me wishes i could watch from some safe window....... with all the lights on .. (giggling)
Enjoy your moonlight ceremony !!


And the Past Recedes... said...

Yes, the photos will be awesome, can't wait!! Sounds like a good celebration. Me, I just took the kiddies trick or treating--even though it poured on us, we had a blast!!

Alex Pendragon said...

Thanks, guys, it'll be good!